Atlas has the right solution for Dairy Flooring for the Dairy Industry

Types of Facilities:
Ice Cream
Major Areas:
Truck Unloading
Forklift Isle Ways
Containment Dikes
Production & Filling Room Floors
Expansion Joints
Machinery Grouts & Adhesives
CIP Rooms
Repair Tile & Brick Floors
Cooler Rooms Floors
Trenches & Sumps
Re-Slope Floors
Shipping Dock
Every Atlas product reflects its innovative spirit and 130 years of experience, bringing to you a unique combination of vision and capability that makes for a true industry leader.
Established in 1892, Atlas Minerals & Chemicals has been developing and manufacturing industry premiere CCM (Corrosion-Resistant Construction Materials), EPOXYBOND® Repair Products, Industrial Compounds, and Oxidized Asphalts.
Headquartered in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, Atlas provides customers around the world with solutions across an array of specialized industries. Our 130 year history includes countless industry firsts, and our future holds continued innovations and industry solutions.
For more information on Atlas products please contact us today or call 800-523-8269.